SURF First Day

Today we had our orientation for the SURF program. As such, I didn’t get much of anything done. In leiu of this, I have taken the liberty to create a simple website to help journal the goings on of my project!

Anyways hi, I’m Spencer Bowles, currently a computer engineering student at Purdue University, and I’m spending the bulk of this summer focusing on a niche method of computing called the coherent Ising machine (CIM). For this project, I am working on a simulator called the CIM Modeling Interface (CIMMI). For those interested, the cimmi repository can be found here.


I will say more about my project in the days to come, but for now I will outline some preliminary goals for this summer. For some context, I have been working on this project in a smaller (part-time) capacity for the past year-and-a-half, so the opportunity to focus for the summer should allow me to get significantly more done.

The major items I hope to accomplish this summer are:

  • Get cimmi into a working state
  • Use cimmi to conduct tests on CIM noise
  • Write my results into a report

When it comes to SURF, there are a few assignments that I have to get done. These include:

  • Literature Review (Due 6/7)
  • Project Abstract (Draft 6/14, Due 7/5)
  • Symposium (Draft 7/15)
  • Paper (Draft 7/5, Due 7/22)

There are also a few mini-conferences that I must attend. These are on 5/28, 6/18, 7/9; there is also a symposium 7/25.

Well, I’ll stop procrastinating and get back to work! Have a good one!

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