Build fixes

Build Bugs

Today, I started by investigating a build bug that has been plauging me for the past month or so.Spoilers: it was something stupid :( I had initially seen this bug after I tried to build and use a new Graph class that was capable of importing graphs from the Rudy graph generator that I decided to use near the end of the semester. This choice was to keep the testing of the simulator similar to other simulators in the literature. The bug showed itself as missing class methods withing the wrapped source files but only when running a script referencing those methods.

The idea I had thought of but had not employed was that the bug originated from a misinclusion of the source files during the disutils build. I have now also learned that disultils is being depricated, so I'll have to move to setuptools in the near future. It turns out that this was the case, but the problem remained after I pointed disutils at the full list of source files. It took me longer than I care to admit to realize that the python os package did not work how I thought it might. After fixing this, it started building and importing properly, but then I saw the actual list of errors that my code had in it. Shorly after some SWIG confusionNotably, `std::string` will not pass throught the SWIG interface naturally, so one must use `char*`. Also, `print` is not a valid method name, probably since it is a builtin function. things started working and my graphs were importing!

Group Meeting

In today’s group meeting, we had Vidisha give a talk on a 2018 paper analyzing dynamics of CIMs with regards to lattice networks. Primarily, the paper showed a phenomenon of these networks where the CIMs entered a “freeze-out” state where spins would no longer flip. This seems to be a primary challenge of OPOs and pump scheduling. The paper had pointed out that large amounts of optical noise would be able to reduce this freeze-out. We should take a look and see if we could replicate their findings using our own simulator. The paper showed that things agreed with their simulator. Additionally, they were managing to get over 90% accuracy with N=44^2 networks, so we should see if we are able to reach that level of accuracy.

Network Class

Finally, I have gotten to work on fleshing out a Network class capable of housing graph couplings and dricing the network. So far, I have been identifying functions that I need to make and their relationships. Additionally, I am integrating the ability to use a pump shedule instead of a flat pump rate for cimmi, unlike my previous code.

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